Prof. Yohan Lee
Seoul National University B.S., Forest Resources
Seoul National University M.S., Forest Economics
Oregon State University M.S., Applied Economics
Oregon State University Ph.D., Forest Resources with concentration in Economics
Relevant Activities
한국레드플러스협회 회장
한국산림과학회 이사/기획재정위원장
한국산림경제학회 총무이사/편집위원
한국산림행정학회 편집위원장
인간식물환경학회 이사/편집위원
산림청 해외산림자원개발 자금융자심의회 위원
미국환경자원경제학회(AERE) 정회원
호주환경자원경제학회(AAERE) 정회원
국제산불학회(IAWF) 정회원
미국생태학회(ESA) 정회원
Selected Paper
Andoh, J., Oduro, K. A., Park, J., & Yohan Lee. (2022). Towards REDD+ implementation: Deforestation and forest degradation drivers, REDD+ financing, and readiness activities in participant countries. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 5, 957550.
Andoh, J., and Yohan Lee. 2018. National REDD+ strategy for climate change mitigation: a review and comparison of developing countries. Sustainability, 10(12), 4781.
Yohan Lee, Claire A. Montgomery, Jeffrey D. Kline. 2016. The influence of age-specific migration on housing growth in the rural Midwest (USA). Landscape and Urban Planning. 148:68-79.
Yohan Lee, J.S. Fried, H.J. Albers, R.G. Haight. 2013. Deploying initial attack resources for wildfire suppression: spatial coordination, budget constraints, and capacity constraints. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 43: 56–65. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2011-0433.